Viktoria Nagudi interviews Kenneth J. Dillon of Scientia Press about his Theory of the Red Blood Cells. According to the theory, the red blood cells, acting as a metacolony in real time, form the dermal-optic photoreceptor, the animal magnetoreceptor, the solution to the binding problem of consciousness, the ultrasensitive Psi receptor, and the chemiluminescent Original Immune System. See also
Theory of the Red Blood Cells
Tags: binding problem of consciousness, cellular basis of consciousness, dermal optics, magnetoreception, psi receptor
In this video, Tom Lowe, director of Physicians Awareness UBI, and Kenneth J. Dillon, author of Healing Photons, discuss the history, science, challenges, and promise of Biophotonic Therapy. Also known as ultraviolet blood irradiation, BT treats small amounts of blood with light in extracorporeal or intravenous modes. BT was invented by Emmet Knott in the 1920s. Hundreds of clinical studies have shown its effectiveness in various indications, e.g., against childhood asthma. Thousands of practitioners around the world use it to treat a wide range of disorders. BT is the leading phototherapeutic treatment of infectious diseases.
Tags: Biophotonic Therapy, biophotons, chemiluminescence, Emmet Knott, infectious diseases, intravenous laser therapy, red blood cells, UBI, ultraviolet, Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation
Historian and former State Department intelligence analyst Kenneth J. Dillon interprets the 2001 anthrax mailings case. He explains why domestic Mailer theories were mistaken and why we should think that al Qaeda operative Abderraouf Jdey was the real Anthrax Mailer as well as the shoebomber of American Airlines Flight #587 on November 12, 2001. In all likelihood, US Army scientist Dr. Bruce Ivins was the Innocent Preparer of the anthrax. Then al Qaeda stole it. See also Was Abderraouf Jdey the Anthrax Mailer?
Who Was the Anthrax Mailer?
Tags: Abderraouf Jdey, al Qaeda, American Airlines Flight #587, anthrax, anthrax mailings, Bruce Ivins, shoe bomb
1. Medicinal bracelets offer an attractive, simple, easy-to-use kind of natural medicine. They can also teach us much about deeper patterns of physiology and nutrition.
2. The bracelets can be composed of various minerals. In practice, to avoid overdosing of trace elements, they tend to contain mainly copper and zinc. The principles governing bracelets also apply to other kinds of jewelry, but here also one needs to steer clear of overdosing. In South Asia silver anklets actually may be implicated
Tags: arthritis, copper, copper bracelets, iontophoresis, iron-deficiency anemia, medicinal bracelets, transdermal, tremor, zinc
Here are three overlooked methods of treating respiratory and disseminated infections that resemble the one caused by the COVID-19 virus.
Tags: Biophotonic Therapy, coronavirus, COVID-19, gargling, halotherapy, immunostimulants, respiratory infections, virus, Wuhan coronavirus, Xi virus